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Your First Visit

Initial Consult

Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your initial consultation so that there is time to complete some forms. Even if you complete the forms online, having your child become acquainted with our practice beforehand is a great idea. There are plenty of activities for them to do while you wait as well.

We feel it’s very important that your first experience at our practice is a really positive and rewarding one. We’re experts in understanding children’s individual needs when it comes to the dental setting, so please allow us to help you on that journey. Almost all children will come for the first time to our practice for a consultation only. Even if your child has a dental condition that concerns you and you feel needs to be managed urgently, we will guide you through this in a way that enables you to be informed, giving you the opportunity to make the best decision for your child.


Your specialist will then examine your child's teeth (this includes a special 'chalky teeth checkup') and devise a treatment plan aimed at giving your child the best possible long-term dental outcome. This will all be discussed with you at this appointment, as your understanding of the dental health of your child is just as important as the actual treatment that is needed.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or queries.


After your appointment, our reception staff will assist with booking any further appointments required and organising the account for your appointment.

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Does your child need extra attention?

We see many children who are very anxious or have all sorts of other special needs. Many children and families have already told us how a little bit of preparation prior to their appointment has really helped. The slideshow above has been added with this purpose in mind.


Some children benefit from visiting the practice before the day of their appointment to help them adjust to a new setting. We are happy to accommodate your child in this way so please ring ahead to discuss your child's needs with us.

Why see a Paediatric Dentist?

There are different types of dentists and therapists who look after children’s dental and oral health. Paediatric Dentists are highly specialised in looking after all possible problems in all children of all ages, from newborn (yes, sometimes even at birth there may be some things that need to be looked at or managed) right through to late teenage years. That’s all they do.


They also are really good at picking up any problems early, giving you advice about problems that may occur in the future that is specific to you and importantly discussing with you and providing reassuring advice about your concerns. There are many solutions and many simple explanations that a Paediatric Dentist can help with, but they also help coordinate care with other dental care providers such as your general dentist or orthodontist.

When should my teeth get checked for the first time?

In your Blue Book that you got when you were born, the first mention about going to the dentist isn’t until you are already 2 years old. As Paediatric Dentists, we see lots of children even younger than this and in our specialty we recommend that your first dental check-up should happen by your first birthday.

Preparing for your first dental visit at Plympton Paediatric Dentists

Going to the dentist for your first visit should be fun and informative. There should be a chance to meet some great people who want to do their best to look after your dental and oral health needs. By the end of your visit, you should feel like you’ve had a chance to have all your questions answered and to be getting familiar with a new place that is a safe and cheerful environment which you know you’ll want to come back to again and again. This is what we want you to experience when you come for the first time. We also value any feedback to make the experience for you and others even better in the future.

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